Is all I want to say to you
They're meaningless and all that's true
Oh hello! Holy Sweet Potatoes, guess what? I finished my Masters Thesis! YAY! I've been waiting for it to show up on USC's digital archive site because I'm so super proud of it I want to share it with you. It's not there yet. Ho, boy. It's a doozy.I done wrote a purdy thesis. Iron-Clad, serious science stuff from a professional. Here's my favorite figure from it - it's a map I made of my research area:
I'm sure there are zillions of easier ways to do this *cough*hire-someone-else*cough*, but I made it from start to finish and that's pretty darn satisfying to me. Job. Well. Done!
And on the subject of hiring someone else, now I need a job. What happened to the Phd, you ask? I'm not sure if I want a PhD right now. The research at that level just gets so specific and I'm concerned about painting myself in a corner as far as a career goes. And academia...well, I'm just not sold on the idea that it will make me happy down the road. Call it wishy-washy or quitter or whatever. I call it my decision and I'm sticking to it. Here's to new beginnings!