“If biological fractionation effects driven by secular changes in siliceous production and preformed silica concentrations in paleosurface waters”
Translation: If little phytoplanktons that lived in the oceans way way back when liked to take up more or less germanium (see: "Bizzy Bee" in the May section) because of the abundance or lack of silica in those ancient oceans…
“were the cause of local changes in downcore Ge/Si_opal”
Translation: and those phytoplanktons mucked up what we’re seeing in THIS mud core.
“then there must also be spatial gradients in Ge/Si_opal across paleoproductivity gradients”
Translation: then we must be able to find this mucking up in other places
“in today’s Southern Ocean and across those inferred for the glacial ocean”
Translation: like in the Southern Ocean today or someplace a lot like it.
You see what I have to contend with? That was just one sentence out of a 10 page paper filled with sentences just like it. It's enough to throw your hands up in the air in exhaustion.